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Physical Education

  • Charles C. Stratton School Physical Education Program

    Our Physical Education program is designed to help children develop physical competence.  This leads to self confidence and participation in activities which will benefit all students for a lifetime.  The emphasis on physical education at Charles C Stratton is on successful lifetime recreation, fitness, and teamwork.  If children enjoy and value the experiences of being active, then fitness and a healthy self esteem will follow and be maintained. Physical fitness is a lifetime habit. Keep active everyday to stay healthy and happy!

    P.E. Activities

    Basic Motor Skills: walking, running, hopping, skipping, jumping, leaping, sliding, galloping, twisting, turning, rolling, balancing

     Manipulative Skills: striking, rolling, kicking, catching, throwing, and dribbling, proper use of equipment   

     Movement Concept Skills: spatial awareness, personal space, general space, directionality, body control and coordination, safe movement

     Low organized games:  cooperation, tagging, fleeing, chasing, dodging

    Participation Notes

    Students are required to participate in every class. However, if your child is attending school but cannot take P.E. class that day, kindly send me a signed excuse note stating the reason your child cannot participate. Also, if your child has been excused from participating by a doctor, whether due to injury or prolonged illness, a doctor’s note is required for your child to resume class participation.  This will also help me to monitor your child’s progress as he/she resumes activity.


    Please remind your child to wear their sneakers on days he/she has P.E. (The day of the week can be found on the lunch menu). The sneakers are required for your child to participate in class and should be designed for athletic use.  Please note that “backless” sneakers, platform sneakers, boots and sandals are not permitted since they not only inhibit skill development but also present safety concerns in class.  Proper footwear helps enhance your child’s overall physical development while also serving to provide for safe participation. Please know that insuring your child’s safety at all times is a top priority of our program.