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Art Blog

Happy New Year

Stratton and Hill students are hard at work creating some amazing art projects!  

6th grade students are wrapping up a metal masking unit, and are moving on to learning about some new and interesting contemporay artists!

1st grade students are focusing on learning about shapes!  I wonder what we will learn next?

2nd Grade students are creating monsters and are learning about the element of art TEXTURE!

We are looking forward to a great year!


2019-2020 School Year Starts!!!

Hi!  I am very excited to start the school year off with  my 1st, 2nd and 6th grade artists!  We will be exploring the elements of art, art from cultures around the world, and exploring our world creatively!  Stay tuned for posts and pictures about what we are doing in class!

Longwood Gardens

Students in Mrs. Moore's class created ornaments to decorate a tree in Longwood Gardens!  The theme of the tree was "Sweet Treats'.  W used model magic, puffy paint, glitter and other materials to make ornaments that looked good enought to eat!


Longwood Tree


Mrs. Hubbard attends the AENJ Conference


Mrs Hubbard


At the beginning of October, I attended the AENJ (Art Educators of NJ) Conference in Long Branch, NJ.  There were many great ideas presented at this conference to make our art classroom even more exciting. Also, while at the conference I presented "Weaving us all together! Changing approaches to make fiber more acceisble to students with special needs". 

1st Grade Line Sculptures

1st Grade students began learning about the elements of art!  To focus on line, students used strips of paper to create different types of lines (straight, curved zig zag etc)






















Steam Day Tower


6th Grade Dragon Eyes

6th grade students are currently studying the elements of art and are working towards creating an effective composition that uses at least 5 elements of art.  We are focusing on COLOR, SHAPE, LINE, PATTERN, and TEXTURE.  We began by using our chromebooks to research dragon eyes.  Students conducted a google image search and saved images for inspiration.  Working from our saved images as well as our imaginations, we drew a macro view of a dragon eye.  This week will will begin experimenting with color to bring the dragon eyes to life!

Spooky Houses

Mrs. Manning's class recently created "spooky houses".  Students enjoyed listening to the story "Inside a House that is Haunted" and were inspired to create some creepy houses!  After listening to the story, students were given a variety of supplies and began the creative process.  We first explored LINES which is the basis of the first unit of study in the art curriculum.  Students used a white oil pastel to draw as many curvy, loops and crazy lines possible.  Liquid colors were painted over the lines to make them "appear".  Students practiced fine motor skills and made choices when selecting stickers to add to their creations.  Check out our hard work!




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